The Ferrari of dog's kingdom - The mean machine
One bite from a normal dog and a kid might have a bloody lip or a puncture in his hand. One bite from a pit bull and the kid could be dead.
Initially Pitbulls were breed and conditioned to be killing machines inside the dog fighting ring & for off the ring purposes. They can triggered by the smell of blood, even in familiar situations. They are difficult to control and very difficult to stop once their killing instincts are operated upon.
A pit bull is a fearless dog that will take on any opponent. They will lock their jaws onto the prey until it's dead. Pit bulls have a reputation of mauling people to death and they are highly sought for dog fighting.
According to most of people Pitbull is a bloodthirsty monster, who can lock jaws on anything and everything & the only motive of this dog breed is to kill & maul living beings including Humans to death.
What actually is a Pitbull ?
An awesome dog breed of Molosser family.
Pit bulls are just dogs. But they're very capable dogs.
And when they do bite, even in play, bad things can happen.
And it doesn't help that this most friendly of breeds attracts owners who are aggressive and hostile people who hardly have brains.
That's a bad combination.Anyway, if you want to own a pit bull, you probably shouldn't have any cats in the house or small dogs. And you definitely shouldn't have young children.
Most people, who are unfamiliar with the American Pit Bull Terrier, falsely believe that they are dangerous dogs. Unfortunately, Pit Bulls have a bad reputation because of some mean people who have abused their dogs and trained them to be aggressive. Pit Bulls are actually very stable, intelligent, and highly trainable. They are strong athletic dogs, and they require a guardian who is responsible and will give them plenty of exercise and training. They are very loving and loyal and make excellent animal companions.
The infamous locking jaw is a myth. The American Pit Bull Terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. All dogs are from the same species and none have locking jaws. The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
While many Pit Bulls do tend to be aggressive towards other DOGS (as are most terriers), the normal, well raised Pit Bull has NO human-aggressive tendencies! In fact, human-aggression was actually bred out of the breed. The majority of Pit Bulls are affectionate, intelligent, trainable dogs. In fact, the highest obedience trial record of all time is held by an American Pit Bull Terrier.
The biggest myth which people carry is that a Pitbull normally attacks without warning and sign and will not leave it's prey untill it's dead. And to help him in doing that nature have provided him with lock jaw mechanism which even Jaguar doesn't have ???@#$@@##??
If you have fear of speed then you can't drive a Ferrari, same way if you have fear of dogs, then never ever get home a Pitbull. It requires a strong and determined owner. Pitbull is a dog which reflects power, passion and undying willingness.They are animal agressive but not human agressive dogs. A selected dog breed for only selective owners who knows how to place themselves as an Alpha of pack and how to make it realize to dog that he is an omega in the pack.
Pitbulls are extremley courageous, good natured and very protective of it's owner and their property. Extreme resistance for pain and will defend it's owner till death.
The problem with most of the people is that they don't understand, how to properly raise and treat a dog. This breed needs a firm hand and can be willfull towards meek owners.
They should never be left unattended with strangers and childrens & should always be on leash in public.
Pitbull requires enough excercise and mental stimulation in order to avoid getting bored and becoming destructive.
American Pit Bull Terriers are not Golden Retrievers. The best Pit Bulls are versatile working dogs, capable of learning a great deal, but they have an independent mind of their own and are not pushovers to raise and train. They can be manipulative, and many are willful, obstinate, and dominant (they want to be the boss) and will make you prove that you can make them do things. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say.
Average life span is 10 -13 years
The breed is normally a healthy breed.
Height - 19 - 23 inches
Weight - 38 - 48 kg
Watch this video and dont be surprised watching a small dog pulling a huge car & hanging on tyre with it's jaw only. Thts wht a real Pitbull is "UNMATCHED POWER & PASSION"
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