6:16 AM
Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet. When the term alpha dog is used, it refers to the dominant dog, in a pack setting, that is first and most important. The alpha dog is the dog to which other members of the pack are submissive (called the beta dogs), and most pack animals related to dogs like wolves and coyotes have both an alpha male and female.
The alpha dog must rule with an iron fist (or paw) and is accorded first rights in breeding with females and in eating. Both male and female alpha dogs exude confidence, maintaining control through body position, facial expression, and the occasional nip or snarl at beta members of the pack. Understanding the instinctual pack animal organization is essential in helping dogs in homes receive the training they need. Without the presence of other animals, a single dog in a family home is likely to believe he or she is the alpha dog. The dog has to be convinced otherwise by the “people pack” or else the dog is likely to exhibit behavioral problems.
Training dogs focuses on placing an adult in the home in the alpha dog position, and making the dog subservient to the wishes of the human. This can be done, especially when humans are able to calmly, consistently and quietly apply discipline and positive reinforcement as needed. But people must first understand when they get a dog, that they must become an alpha dog or lose control over their animal.
When a dog in the home remains the alpha dog, undesirable behaviors may emerge. The dog will not follow commands, may bite, snarl, dangerously guard its food, and will refuse to be walked by an owner. With the last, an alpha dog usually walks its owner, not coming to heel when requested, but hurrying the owner along at its own pace. Not all characteristics of the alpha dog are bad ones. Alpha dogs are often quite smart animals, and in natural wild dog settings, they would be leaders. In a family setting they must be convinced that they are not dominant.
Humans have the advantage when appropriate training is applied, since one characteristic of the alpha dog is that it is frequently the strongest member of its pack. Unless you happen to be raising a very large dog, you will generally be larger than your dog, and size can be a dominating factor. Young children may have much more difficulty controlling a dog with alpha characteristics because they may be similarly sized to the dog.
In addition to training, many male alpha dogs are greatly assisted by undergoing neutering. This cuts down on testosterone levels and the dog’s natural instinct to breed and “mark” territory. Most neutered dogs are less aggressive and more submissive. For best benefit, the dog should be neutered in its first year of life.
We also use the term alpha dog or alpha male to describe males in our society who seem to have the most confident characteristics, may be wealthy and are definitely considered handsome. Another related expression is “top dog.” There have even been some significant studies of late that suggest that human females, when ovulating, are most likely to be attracted to alpha males, those who are younger, are in good physical shape and would potentially produce the strongest and healthiest children.
Actually sharing a few characteristics of pack behavior with dogs makes humans a natural match to coexist with dogs. The key is establishing a human alpha dog so that you are not your dog’s beta dog, but the prime member of the pack.
In your home, you and your family become your dog's pack, as do any other dogs you may have. It is your responsibility to establish yourself in the alpha position. If you fail to do this, your dog will do it as a natural behavior. Many people assume that they are automatically in charge just because humans are superior to animals. But are you really the pack leader? Does your dog know it?
Being the pack leader does not mean you have to be big and aggressive. Nor does it mean that there has to be a battle of wills after which you are the victor. Anyone can be the pack leader. It is an attitude an air of authority. It is the basis for mutual respect, and provides the building blocks of communication between the two of you.
A pack animal becomes a full fledged member of the group by a process called subordination. With dogs, subordination begins shortly after the third week of life and continues throughout early development. Most normal, healthy puppies are basically pushy animals, and will try to advance as far as possible within the social order of the pack. The key to successfully rearing a puppy is to establish yourself as the pack leader and then maintain that position for the life of your dog.
So how do you become the alpha leader? In the wild, the adults of the pack begin early to teach the cubs the rules. The adults grab pups around the head or neck and gently, but firmly, pin them to the ground. The cubs learn to greet the adults with respect by approaching them using a slightly crouching posture, with ears back, tail down and wagging, and they lick the adults' muzzles. The cubs do this as a sign of respect and affection, not out of fear. It is called the subordination display, and its function is to keep peace and harmony within the pack.
Leadership exercises can confirm humans as the heads of the family pack. Once you establish this relationship, your dog will seek you out. He will want to be with you and will treat you with respect and affection. After he learns to submit to handling, all other tasks such as grooming, nail clipping, cleaning ears, and medicating will be easier to accomplish. But first he must learn that you have the power to handle him, and that handling will not lead to any harm. He must come to trust you entirely.
These exercises will help establish leadership but should not be used with an older pup who has learned to use his teeth to get his way. Exercises one and two are recommended only for small puppies up to three months of age. Exercises three and four are suitable for pups up to six months of age as long as there's no problem with aggression. Be gentle but firm with all exercises, as you would with a baby human.
- Sit on the floor, then pick your pup up off the floor with both hands supporting him just behind his front legs, facing you. Hold him away from you at arms length. Look directly into his eyes. Growl at him if he struggles, using a low guttural sound. Hold him till he relaxes. Vary the time you hold him in this position from 15 to 45 seconds. Vary the location.
- Sit on the floor and cradle your pup, placing one hand under his head and the other supporting his back so that he is upside down on his back, and up in the air. Hold a larger puppy across your lap. Hold the pup for 15 to 45 seconds, using the same growl as in exercise 1 if he struggles. Hold him until he relaxes.
- If your puppy is large, substitute this exercise for the first two. Straddle your pup, with one of your legs on each side of him. You should be facing the same direction as your dog. Lock your fingers together under his chest, just behind the front legs. Lift his front legs off the ground for 15 to 45 seconds. If he struggles, growl at him till he is quiet.
- Place your dog on the floor with all four legs pointing away from you. Hold him firmly by the neck with one hand, and press down on his midsection with the other hand. Talk to him softly after he is quiet. It might take two or three minutes to get him to relax. If he exposes his belly to be rubbed, you are on the right track. Do not allow him to struggle, get up, or nip. Always praise him lavishly in a quiet tone when he relaxes. Now is also a good time to handle all four paws and look briefly into his mouth so he can get used to tolerating your handling him gently. Be sure to do this exercise four or five times a day at first. Taper off as the pup gets more used to you and accepts your leadership.
Eye contact is also one of the ways order is kept in a wolf pack. Only an alpha animal may use the stare to remind everyone who is in charge. When you initiate eye contact, you express your alpha position. Encourage your pup to maintain eye contact for several seconds, making it a pleasant experience. Do not force him to do so. Use the term "watch me" and always praise him the instant you have eye contact. However, you do not want to try to do this with a dog who thinks he is already in charge of things. The dog must know you are the leader first. Otherwise you will begin a stare-down contest. An alpha dog will not be willing to be first to avert his eyes. If you are the first to avert or even blink your eyes, it will help confirm the dog's alpha status.
Alpha discipline: Pack leader activities
Your dog will accept you as pack leader as long as you are consistent and fair in your demands. You must never permit him to growl or snap. If he does, a severe scruff shake is necessary, followed by no attention from you for 10 to 15 minutes. The scruff is the loose skin around the dog's neck. If your pet growls or snaps and you are not afraid to handle him, grab him firmly by the scruff with both hands, stare him in the eyes, and shake him. Then put him in his crate for 15-20 minutes and ignore him.
If your dog growls or snaps and you are afraid to discipline him, seek professional help. Don't ignore the incident; a dog allowed to threaten his family can easily become a biter.
Never overlook any challenge to your authority. Most dogs will test their owners, usually in adolescence. When the issue is settled immediately, it usually ends the matter.
There are several books that will help owners establish leadership to assure a long, healthy relationship with a pet. There are also several training clubs and businesses in the area for those who prefer an instructor's assistance and for those who need help with problem dogs.
8:14 AM
Caucasian Mountain Dog are strongly-boned, muscular and even-tempered Molossers.
The breed has two types: mountain and plain. Plain dogs have a shorter coat and appear taller as they are more lightly built. Mountain types have a heavier coat and are more muscularly built. The breed's weight range is 102–160 pounds (46–73 kg.) and the height range is 25–29 inches (64–78 cm.).
Softness and vicious temperaments are considered serious faults for the breed. Generally healthy and long lived, hip dysplasia, obesity and occasional heart problems are known to occur. The ears of the Caucasian Ovcharka are traditionally cropped, although some modern dogs are unaltered. The preferred show-types are the long-coated grey dogs with some white markings. Black or black-and-tan dogs are not acceptable in the show ring. The minimum height is 24.5 inches with no upper limit.
They are loyal to their duty in protecting their flock and family and will stand by and defend through any circumstance. They are an extremely aggressive animal and need very experienced owners.
They at times can be ferocious & unmanagable. Since it's a giant breed, proper socilaization and training should be given. All the things owned by owner including his family, children, other pets, car , house etc will be treated as part of it's family and will be fiercley protected and respected. Strangers are not welcomed at all.
It's not a dog breed for apartment life, it's best suited for farm houses and house with fence or backyard.
Height can be of 28 inches
Weight can be of 70 - 80 kg
Life expectancy - 11 Years.
Things You Should Know:
The Caucasian Ovcharka is a big, strong-willed dog. It requires proper training and socialization from an equally strong-willed owner. Very smart, it responds to consistent, positive training. The Caucasian Ovcharka has an outstanding work ethic. If you work outdoors and can give it a job, by all means do.
The Caucasian Ovcharka can live as long as 12 years with relatively few health problems; however, some may develop “big-dog” problems like hip dysplasia and heart conditions. Both short- and longhaired coats need regular brushing with special attention paid to tangles in the long coats.
8:14 AM
General Appearance:
The overall picture created is that of a large, powerful dog, sturdily built and well-balanced with short legs, if compared to the body. His expression is alert and noble. The thick, heavily-feathered tail is carried high over the back, nicely balancing the head. The body is square with a distinctive double coat and a proudly worn ruff around the neck and shoulders extending to the occiput. Head is outstanding and massive with a powerfull and heavy muzzle which is squarish from all angles and flat from when seen from above.
Tibetan Mastiff is not a dog for everyone and specially meek owners. It's a responsibility and requires strong willed , confident owner. As a breed they are over protective and extremley territorial.
As a flock guardian dog in Tibet, it is tenacious in its ability to confront predators the size of wolves and leopards. As a socialized, more domestic Western dog, it thrives in a spacious, fenced yard with a canine companion, but it is not an appropriate dog for apartment living. The Western-bred dogs are generally more easy-going, although somewhat aloof with strangers coming to the home. Through hundreds of years of selective breeding for a protective flock and family guardian, the breed has been prized for being a nocturnal sentry, keeping would-be predators and intruders at bay, barking at sounds throughout the night. Leaving a Tibetan Mastiff outside all night with neighbors nearby is not recommended. They are very lazy. They can sleep all day and be very active at night.
Like all flock guardian breeds, they are intelligent and stubborn to a fault, so obedience training is recommended since this is a strong-willed, powerful breed. Socialization is also critical with this breed because of their reserved nature with strangers and guarding instincts. They are excellent family dogs.
Newspaper reports have suggested that a pair of these Mastiffs have killed tigers while guarding sheep in the highlands of Nepal
Normally a healthy breed. Prone to hip dysplasia, which is common in all large dog breeds.
Excellent. One of the most highly adaptable breed of the world, can adapt to extreme climatic conditions hot or cold. Normally inactive indoors and best suited for large yard or farmhouses. Imagine if a 80 kg young mastiff will jump inside the house , then everything including kids can be seen flying.
Guarding Potential:
Excellent. The Tibetan Mastiff is known for being a night-time barker, and has a booming voice. This can be a problem in packed neighborhoods. More mature dogs can develop restraint, but getting to that point can take a deal of patience. This is one area where a Tibetan Mastiff's stubbornness can defeat even the most determined owner.
Amount of Exercise:
Moderate. Jogging is too hard on the joints due to the breed's size. Be careful that the bones, muscles, and joints of the young dog are not overworked during the growing stage by overdoing physical exercise. It should never be over-exercised.
Amount of Grooming:
Coat Type:
Body is covered with an undercoat of soft, short, dense wool with longer and harsher hair growing through it to form the outer coat. Hair are fine but hard, straight and stand-off. Never silky, curly or wavy. Heavy undercoat, when present, rather woolly.
Highly Intelligent but Aloof.
Average (Not a dog for Obedience Shows)
Dominating breed.
Dogs minimum 26" (66 cm).Bitches minimum 24" (61 cm).
8:13 AM
Guardian dog - Reserved with strangers & loyal with family
The Kangal Dog is a breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), and is the national breed of Turkey. It is of an early mastiff type with a solid, pale tan or sabled coat, and with a black mask; indeed, another name for the breed is Karabash which translates into black head.
The breed is often referred to as a sheep dog, but it does not herd its charges. Instead, it is developed to live with the flock and act as a livestock guardian dog, fending off wolves, bears and jackals.The Turkish Kangal Dog's protectiveness and gentleness with small children and animals has led to its growing popularity as a guardian for families as well, as it watches members of its flock with extreme devotion.
The Kangal dogs should be calm, controlled, independent, and protective. They may be aloof towards strangers, but a well-socialized Kangal Dog is friendly with visitors and especially children. They must never be shy or vicious. A well-trained Kangal is sensitive and alert to changing situations, responding to threats with judicious warnings and courageous action if necessary. They make good guardians of livestock and humans alike, but they may not be suitable for inexperienced dog owners, as the independent intelligence of the Kangal makes for a difficult pupil.
When suspicious, a Kangal will stand with its tail and ears erect and give an alarm call, inciting the sheep to gather around it for protection. The Kangal’s first instinct is to place itself between the perceived threat and the sheep or master. Once the sheep are safely behind it, the Kangal confronts the intruder. When faced with a wolf, the Kangal sometimes is successful in intimidating the enemy, but it will resort to a physical confrontation if the predator stands its ground.Specialized wolf killers are known as "kurtçul kangal" in their homeland. There are certain experts who dispute the kangal's alleged wolf-killing abilities, citing the fact that wolves outmatch dogs in head size and jaw strength.
Like any other Shepherd dog Kangal also requires thorough brushing of it's double coat skin. They are heavy shedder during season.
8:11 AM
Small in size like a Pitbull, Bull terrier was originally bred in 18th century for the purpose of Bull fighting & dog fighting. Soon it got a reputation of "GLADIATOR OF CANINES" which would fight to death to please it's owner. Today's Bull terrier is energetic and playful dog & have proved themself as delightful companions. They are clownish, scrappy and fearless dog, but they are not guard dogs. Again like in case of most of Alpha dogs, Bull Terrier too requires firm & confident owners. Socialization at early stage is a must.Bull Terrier becomes very attached to it's owners. This breed can be difficult to train for the first timers.
Because of their power and difficulty to train ,"bullies" are not ideal for a first-time dog owner. However, their physical strength is matched by their intelligence, which makes them thoroughly reliable pets. Both body and mind need to be kept active and they can be fun and playful. The Bull Terrier is known to show aggressiveness towards other dogs, usually that of the same sex.
Pure Bred Bull Terriers can be extremely strong willed and dominant, especially males। In some cases professional level leadership and training is a necessity on a daily basis to prevent your dog from becoming an aggressive dog towards both humans and dogs. A Bull Terrier is not your average dog, this is a mentally and physically strong breed. Strict leadership and discipline regiment should be engaged from day one of ownership. Your Bull Terrier may seem like playful and mischievous puppy at first, but owners should be very aware to look and recognize aggressive and dominant behavior even in the first 6 months.
About 10- 12 years
HEIGHT - 21- 24 inches
WEIGHT - 28 - 35 kg
All puppies should be checked for deafness, as this sometimes occurs (most commonly in pure white dogs) and is difficult to notice, especially in a relatively young puppy. Many Bull Terriers have a tendency to develop skin allergies.Insect bites, such as those from fleas, and sometimes mosquitoes and mites, can produce a generalized allergic response of hives, rash, and itching.
This condition can be stopped by keeping the dog free of contact from these insects, but this is definitely a consideration in climates or circumstances where exposure to these insects is inevitable. Their lifespan is somewhere between 10 and 14 years, although they can live longer - a male bull terrier house pet in South Wales, UK by the name of "Buller" lived to the age of 18 years. The oldest female Bull Terrier on record is an Australian house pet dubbed "Puppa Trout" who remained sprightly into her 17th year. The second oldest female Bull Terrier on record is "Boots Moon Stomp Stout (Crain)" of Denver, Colorado USA. Boots lived to be 16 years of age.
Plesae watch this video & you will understand why a small looking dog breed was termed as the "GLADIATOR OF CANINES"
7:56 AM
The breed is originally from the Canary Islands in the 1700s, notably Gran Canaria. Its exact ancestry is unknown, but enthusiasts believe that the Perro de Bardino Majorero, an established farm dog from the Canary Islands, was crossed with the Mastiff and other English dogs brought to the Islands by visitors and colonists, creating the foundation for the modern Presa Canario.
Presa type guard and catch dogs are mentioned in historical documents of the 16th and 17th centuries. It is believed that the Perro de Presa Canario was created during the 18th century for the purpose of property and flock guarding, the holding and driving of livestock, and exterminating wild or stray dogs. The breed was also used for dog fighting, a tradition the English settlers transplanted along with their Mastiff and Bulldog breeds. Canary Islanders consider these fights "honor fights" and not the sole purpose of the animal. Presa type dogs were referred to as the "perro de la tierra" or "dog of the land".
Presas are of strong character and are dominant animals requiring early socialization and obedience training. In some situations, the Presa can be aggressive toward other dogs and suspicious of strangers. Once the dog has been properly socialized and trained, this becomes the exception rather than the rule. Many Presas share their homes with children, other dogs, cats, horses and other farm animals.
25-27 inch
45- 58 kg
10-11 years
The Presa should be powerful, balanced, and imposing in appearance. It is heavily built, but able to move with great athleticism.
7:52 AM
A truly majestic dog breed with man stopping ability. A mix of 40 % Bulldog & 60 % English Mastiff, having strength enough to knock intruders over and pin them to thre ground !!!
Some say that it's the No 1 guard dog in the world , a breed that is fearless, courageous and intensely loyal to its family, with a very strong protective instinct. Along with biting, they can also stand in the intruder's path and won't let them pass. Bullmastiffs do have a natural wariness of strangers, but love spending time with their family and dislike to be left alone.
Now the other side of Bullmastiff, which is a very loyal, will follow the owner where ever he will go, will make sure that owner is always in front of him and visible. Will wake up in the middle of night and will roam around the house to make sure that everything is allright and would like to sleep in the same room where owner sleeps. Will never leave the couch and will demand for watching TV.
A heavy dog, who wants to sit on your feet , lie on your lap & lean his weight on yours. Want to eat from your plate, want to sleep with you on couch.
Extremley powerfull and massive with a short easy care coat which were originally bred to guard and to track down and immobilize poachers and wait for their masters to come. It's tremendous man stopping ability makes it the best guard dog in the world.
Very few dog of this power and strength are as good natured as Bullmastiff's are. They are calm & quiet & the sametime alert and protective. They are very affectionate and are fond of childrens.
These dogs are very sensitive to their master's voice and a simple "No" is normally enough for them to understand that it's not right. They should never be left alone as they can be destructive way beyond your imagination if left alone or bored. Remember the French Mastiff in Turner & Hooch. Although that wasn't Bullmastiff, but more or less degree of destructiveness is same in both the breeds.
A Bullmastiff should be fearless and confident, yet docile. A Bullmastiff is courageous, extremely loyal to its family, calm, and loving. It has a very strong protective instinct and will defend against any threat to its owners, as well as any threat to its territory. Bullmastiffs become intensely attached to their families. Their protective instinct combined with their great size and natural wariness of strangers means that early socialization and obedience training are essential.
Bullmastiffs can also get along with other dogs, but it is common for males not to get along with other males, particularly if they are intact. The Bullmastiff can get along extremely well with children provided the dog has been properly trained and socialized. Parental supervision must be maintained when they are with children; they may knock smaller children down accidentally.
A Bullmastiff, because of its history, is a very independent dog, and likes to make its own decisions. However, with good training, a Bullmastiff will look to its owner for "permission" to act on its instincts. Early socialization and obedience training with all members of the family will teach the dog to look to them before taking action. They are very athletic and muscular, making them incredibly fast and agile.
Prone to Cancer , Hip dysplasia, Tumors, boils ,
& eyelid problems.
Some dog will have undershot or overshot bite.
Height - 27 - 28 inches
Weight - 60-65 kg
Low shedder, esat to take care coat. Just a comb and brush will do & shampoo whenever required. Becomes lazy in hot climatic conditions.
Drool and snore a lot
Inspite of short life, drooling and various other factors,
Bullmastiff is widely popular and it will be impposible to not to
fall into twinkling innocent eyes of Bullmastiff and you
will melt down to give him whtever he is demanding.
Lovable & great tolerance for kids - Thats what a real Bullmastiff is.
7:51 AM
The Ferrari of dog's kingdom - The mean machine
One bite from a normal dog and a kid might have a bloody lip or a puncture in his hand. One bite from a pit bull and the kid could be dead.
Initially Pitbulls were breed and conditioned to be killing machines inside the dog fighting ring & for off the ring purposes. They can triggered by the smell of blood, even in familiar situations. They are difficult to control and very difficult to stop once their killing instincts are operated upon.
A pit bull is a fearless dog that will take on any opponent. They will lock their jaws onto the prey until it's dead. Pit bulls have a reputation of mauling people to death and they are highly sought for dog fighting.
According to most of people Pitbull is a bloodthirsty monster, who can lock jaws on anything and everything & the only motive of this dog breed is to kill & maul living beings including Humans to death.
What actually is a Pitbull ?
An awesome dog breed of Molosser family.
Pit bulls are just dogs. But they're very capable dogs.
And when they do bite, even in play, bad things can happen.
And it doesn't help that this most friendly of breeds attracts owners who are aggressive and hostile people who hardly have brains.
That's a bad combination.Anyway, if you want to own a pit bull, you probably shouldn't have any cats in the house or small dogs. And you definitely shouldn't have young children.
Most people, who are unfamiliar with the American Pit Bull Terrier, falsely believe that they are dangerous dogs. Unfortunately, Pit Bulls have a bad reputation because of some mean people who have abused their dogs and trained them to be aggressive. Pit Bulls are actually very stable, intelligent, and highly trainable. They are strong athletic dogs, and they require a guardian who is responsible and will give them plenty of exercise and training. They are very loving and loyal and make excellent animal companions.
The infamous locking jaw is a myth. The American Pit Bull Terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. All dogs are from the same species and none have locking jaws. The few studies which have been conducted of the structure of the skulls, mandibles and teeth of pit bulls show that, in proportion to their size, their jaw structure and thus its inferred functional morphology, is no different than that of any breed of dog. There is absolutely no evidence for the existence of any kind of 'locking mechanism' unique to the structure of the jaw and/or teeth of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
While many Pit Bulls do tend to be aggressive towards other DOGS (as are most terriers), the normal, well raised Pit Bull has NO human-aggressive tendencies! In fact, human-aggression was actually bred out of the breed. The majority of Pit Bulls are affectionate, intelligent, trainable dogs. In fact, the highest obedience trial record of all time is held by an American Pit Bull Terrier.
The biggest myth which people carry is that a Pitbull normally attacks without warning and sign and will not leave it's prey untill it's dead. And to help him in doing that nature have provided him with lock jaw mechanism which even Jaguar doesn't have ???@#$@@##??
If you have fear of speed then you can't drive a Ferrari, same way if you have fear of dogs, then never ever get home a Pitbull. It requires a strong and determined owner. Pitbull is a dog which reflects power, passion and undying willingness.They are animal agressive but not human agressive dogs. A selected dog breed for only selective owners who knows how to place themselves as an Alpha of pack and how to make it realize to dog that he is an omega in the pack.
Pitbulls are extremley courageous, good natured and very protective of it's owner and their property. Extreme resistance for pain and will defend it's owner till death.
The problem with most of the people is that they don't understand, how to properly raise and treat a dog. This breed needs a firm hand and can be willfull towards meek owners.
They should never be left unattended with strangers and childrens & should always be on leash in public.
Pitbull requires enough excercise and mental stimulation in order to avoid getting bored and becoming destructive.
American Pit Bull Terriers are not Golden Retrievers. The best Pit Bulls are versatile working dogs, capable of learning a great deal, but they have an independent mind of their own and are not pushovers to raise and train. They can be manipulative, and many are willful, obstinate, and dominant (they want to be the boss) and will make you prove that you can make them do things. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say.
Average life span is 10 -13 years
The breed is normally a healthy breed.
Height - 19 - 23 inches
Weight - 38 - 48 kg
Watch this video and dont be surprised watching a small dog pulling a huge car & hanging on tyre with it's jaw only. Thts wht a real Pitbull is "UNMATCHED POWER & PASSION"
7:48 AM
Rottweiler is a powerful dogs with strong jaws, primary meant to protect. The breed was bred especially and with the only aim to protect. They don’t like strangers and other dogs, they are guards and the dog owner should always remember that.
The Rottweiler was kept busy in these traditional roles until the mid-19th century when railroads replaced droving for getting livestock to market. Although there are still Rottweilers working stock all over the world, many other roles have been found for this versatile breed.
During the First and Second World Wars, Rottweilers were put into service in various roles including as messenger, draught, and guard dogs. Currently they are often used as search and rescue, assistance, guide dogs for the blind, guard and police dogs in addition to their traditional roles.
The American Kennel Club says he is basically a calm, confident and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. A Rottweiler is self-confident and responds quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment. He has an inherent desire to protect home and family, and is an intelligent dog of extreme hardness and adaptability with a strong willingness to work, making him especially suited as a companion, guardian and general all-purpose dog.
Rottweilers are a powerful breed with well developed genetic herding and guarding instincts. As with any breed, potentially dangerous behaviour in Rottweilers usually results from irresponsible ownership, abuse, neglect, or lack of socialization and training. Inherent breed characteristics are not a factor.
The breed has received some negative publicity. In the US, in a report by the CDC, the Rottweiler was listed as the second most likely breed of dog named in fatal human attacks, following pitbulls. The report acknowledges that the broad popularity of the breed may contribute to high numbers of fatalities, but suggests Rottweilers are still disproportionately represented in attack figures. Breed specific bite rates are not known, and less responsible owners being drawn to certain breeds may be a facto.
The portrayal of Rottweilers as evil dogs in several fictional films and TV series, most notably in The Omen, and sensationalist media hysteria has added to their negative publicity. This hysteria has led to Rottweilers being banned in some municipalities and are sometimes targeted as dangerous dogs by legislation, such as in the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and the Republic of Ireland. However, the Dutch law has since been changed as of 2008. On the other hand, not all mainstream media has portrayed the breed in a negative light: for example, a gentler side of the Rottweiler's personality was observed in the movie Lethal Weapon 3 where a Rottweiler guarding a gun smuggling operation was placated by the main character, played by Mel Gibson, with dog treats. The dog was subsequently rescued and de facto adopted by the protagonist.
About 11- 12 years
The breed is prone to hip dysplasia and cancer.
Height - 25 - 28 inches
Weight - 50 - 60 kg
This breed is anaverage shedder and requires brushing of coat. Bath only when required. Good for cold climates.
To be blunt, the Rottweiler is not a dog for everyone. Like all other breeds with strong natures, it has become a target for those who would ban dogs by breed rather than individual temper. Failure to select a well-bred Rott and to train it appropriately can result in individual tragedy and in prohibition of the entire breed in a community. Some cities and towns have added the Rottweiler to a list of restricted or banned breeds; some training schools refuse Rotties; and some insurance companies deny coverage to owners of this.
Not at all a dog for first timers and family with small kids. Rotty is a powerful , large breed and if not scocialized and trained enough, can pose threat to strangers. Never forget that one of the highest bite force ever recorded by any domestic canine is from Rotty - 328 lbs. Much more then wild dogs. A bite from Rotty can break human bones into tiny peices.
Even a fully grown up rotty will behave like a small, naughty kid. For ex - A untrained and unsocialized rotty will not welcome your freinds and family in his teritory and if the strangers will try to get close to the owners, Rotty may attack without warning.
It's our sheer responsibility to spent time with Rotty from their childhood and to train them extensively in order to avoid such instances. We need to educate them, what's wrong and what's not acceptable. With proper care and training you will be rewarded with a wonderful dog breed who will through out his life will remain loyal to you and your family.
If you fail to do so, then the Rotty will takeover the Alpha position and will decide what's right and what's wrong according to him. Then he will take you as his responsibilty to protect and take care of. You will be then an Omega of the pack.
Also, never buy a fully grown up Rotty, always get a puppy and train him accordingly according to your family requirements. Before buying a Rotty , do check the parent's agression and temperament & of course the lineage.
Rottweilers are considered the best guard dog in the whole world. Studies have even showed that they are also the most efficient. Unfortunately, recently there has been negative attention towards Rottweilers due to some dog attacks. Usually, the blame should be put on the owner who either does not understand Rottweilers' natures or on breeders who are developing Rottweilers' aggressiveness. Rottweilers are used by some owners to increase their macho image, which unfortunately leads to some vicious dogs coming about
Look at the video below carefully and try to estimate it's enormous power and strong desire to work. It's totally fearless dog with extremly extremly high territorial instincts.
A well trained Rotty is reliable and can be left with small childrens too, provided you have spent enough time in socializing and training the dog.
Your dog gives you a lifetime of unconditional love, loyalty, and friendship.
Dogs truly are one of the greatest gifts that God ever gave us.
They give us unconditional love just as God does and remind us daily that we too can love this way if we choose.
A dog forms a strong bond with his/her master and defends his/her family fiercely.
Before doing this a dog never ask humans
· What’s your religion, caste, creed and race buddy?
· Will you be able to feed me all your life?
· Will you treat me as your family, all your life?
· Will you be having patience to train me?
· Will you able to shell out time to take me to walk everyday?
Ironically, the dog never asks all these questions from humans before accepting them as their owners.
Dog gives companionship to humans, inspite of all the odds , a dog never leaves it’s master.
A dog in his mind only wants to please his owner.
He devotes his entire life to his human owner.
Thru this blog, i want to create an awareness about the above mentioned beautiful dog breeds who have always been misunderstood and always been overhyped by media by false stories, posing them as murderous beast.
A dog have always played the role of "Man's best freind" but unfortunately we humans at times fail to play the role of being the "best owner".